Vidya Darshan
Vidhyadarshan is an integrated tribal development project implemented by Deseeya Sevabharathi Keralam. The project has been implemented in sixty tribal hamlets from Noolpuzha panchayath in Wayanad district and Sholayur panchayath of Attappadi in Palakkad district. There are six important components in the project which ensure understanding the socio-economic condition and gives education, and nutrition support to the children.
We intended to give nutritional support and educational support to the tribal children. Most students drop out from the tribal communities of the shame and humiliation they are facing due to the poor performance in school either in exams or daily classes. We believe that if we can give them daily support and exposure, we can make a difference and hence this project is formulated. Other than daily classes and nutrition food support, we have components in this project which gives them an unequivocal exposure on gathering for education and studies like monthly training programs and cultural gatherings. The program also envisages giving supportive training for parents and community level committee members from the tribal community. We expect these will help to create awareness about education which will give community support to the students.
The project implementation is facilitated by three levels of team. The first level is that of the project team at the state level of Deseeya Sevabharathi Keralam. They will monitor and support the project team in the individual project site either at Attappady or Noolpuzha. The project team at the site will have a project monitoring committee including the local Sevabharathi officials and a project officer who will be a social work professional. Thirdly, there will be a hamlet level Gothra Seva Samithi which is a seven-member committee. The project officer will coordinate the Gothra Seva Samithi meetings. At hamlet level, it is the joint responsibility of Samithi and sevika to implement the project successfully.
We believe that the whole society needs to be support this initiative of finding support for our vanavasi students. The Sevabharathi is eyeing on people who owns more than one device of their own to donate it to the needy through Sevabharathi. They can also sponsor one to the student if they can. Sevabharathi, through its caders took the actual number of students in need of such support. For making this project a success for the students in need, we appeal all the kindhearted and like-minded to support Sevabharathi with sufficient resources to provide support.
Project Activities
Socio Economic Survey
Gotra Seva Samithi village level formation
Study Materials for Students
Selection & Orientation Training for Gotra Sevika
Review and refreshment training programme for Gotra Sevika
Community Teaching Programme
Community Library Centre
Computer Education programme
Nutritional Support Programme
Training Programme for Students
Training programme for parents