MMadhu Chetan, District Secretary of Deeseya SevaBharati Alappuzha received a phone call from the house called Sulu Bhavan in Takazhi four days ago. We also wanted to give some new clothes to the distressed children of Wayanad, through Seva Bharati. According to yesterday's call again, today when Madhu Chetan, Thalavadi Sevabharati Unit President Gokul, Secretary Vinish and Sangh's District Clerk member Biju Chetan rushed to the house in Takkazhi, a grandmother came down from a small house full of mud and water and invited them inside with love. When they entered, they were greeted by a physically challenged mother named Sulu Anish and her almost three-year-old daughter, Aruma, who very happily informed them that they were ready to donate some cloths, including baby clothes, which had been gifted to the child for her birthday through Seva Bharati, to the stranded children in Wayanad in the face of calamity and happily accepted it. It was received with a deep sense of pain, and more than that, with respect for the social commitment they were showing. Along with that, he also gave 500 rupees rolled up from his small purse to buy sweets for his children, but Madhu Chetan and others returned it very happily. How can we forget the mother and the child who gave the gifts to her own child from that crumbling house to the children of Wayanad with great joy and purity of heart, and more than that, the faith shown by the people to the Seva Bharati movement which works on the motto "Sevahi Paramo Dharma".