UUnder the Thalachaykkanoridam project jointly implemented by Kochouseph Chittilappilly Foundation and Sevabharathi Kerala, Mrs. Latadevi K.S. The foundation stone of the house was laid on Monday, 25/11/24 by Rev. Chengannur Orthodox Church Vicar. Father Jacob Cherian and Deseeya Sevabharathi Pathanamthitta District General Secretary Venu Panavel officiated. Deseeya Sevabharathi Pathanamthitta District President Adv. D Ashoka Kumar presided over the function. Othara 1819th No. NSS Karayogam Secretary Shri. Soman Pillai, Sevabharati Kuttur Unit President Sudhip Kumar, Rashtriya Swayamsevaka Sangam Sabarigiri District Seva Pramukh Sajikumar, District Committee Member Pushpa Vatsakumar and Unit Treasurer Suresh Kumar graced the occasion by lighting the Bhadradeepam. Sevabharati Kuttur unit office bearers, political and community organization leaders of Taimaravumkara and local residents participated in the function...