Sevabharathi Kadungallur Extends Support To Maya Udayakumar And Family

Sevabharathi Kadungallur Extends Support To Maya Udayakumar And Family

SSevabharathi Kadungallur Extends Support To Maya Udayakumar And Family

The house of Maya Udayakumar, who lives in Eramam Thoppilakkad Colony in Muppathadam, was replaced by the roof of the house at a cost of around Rs 1 lakh with the help of well-wishers to provide an environment for the family to stay at home without the rain and sun.

The roof of the house was completely damaged in the 2018 floods. Later, the family of five members lived on a roof with a turpay tied to it. Over time it decayed and almost completely destroyed with this last strong tide. Realizing the situation where the family could not stay indoors, Kadungallur Sevabharathi undertook this mission and completed it