Ayushman Bharath Registration Camp

Ayushman Bharath Registration Camp

UUnder the leadership of Vengola Sevabharathi, a free registration camp for distribution of "Vayo Vandana Yojana Card" (free insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs to all above 70 years) organized as part of Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Scheme on Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 10 am to 5.30 pm.

Registration camp held at Sevabharathi office at Vengola Bathani Junction Deseeya Sevabharathi Ernakulam District Samajik Ayam Pramukh Mr.Manikanthan P. S. inaugurated and spoke.
Sevabharathi Vengola Unit President Mr. MK Sunil presided over the welcome address by Unit Secretary Mr. Bibin Kumar. Vengola Sevabharathi Unit Vice President Smt. Ashwati Mohanan, Jo.Secretary Smt. Minimol Prakash, Media Convener Mr. Abhilash Surendran, Apat Seva Ayam Pramukh Mr. Ranjith KB, Executive Member Mr. Sajeev KS, Office Coordinator Mr. AK. Ravi and Mr. Abhijith Surendran participated. 

Unit Jo.Secretary Mr. KK Sasidharan closed the opening meeting with vote of thanks and 66 people registered and got insurance coverage in the insurance registration camp held afterwards.
All those who participated in this work of service for the benefit of the common people are gratefully remembered at this time.